Block Element Modifier

Block Element Modifier

BEM is a CSS naming convention methodology.


2 min read


It is an independent component in HTML that has its own meaning and can be reused. It is more of like a parent element.

Examples: <header>, <nav>, <form> etc.

<header class="header">

<nav class="nav"></nav>



Elements are the child element of the Block component. It is mostly the text part inside the block. Block and Elements are seperated by 2 double underscores (block__element).

Examples: <input>, <h1>, <button> etc.

<header class="header">

<h1 class="header__title"> Introduction </h1>



As the name suggests it modify the appearance, state, behaviour of elements. Elements and Modifiers are seperated by single undersocre (elements_modifiers)

Examples: <disabled>, <color>, <active> etc.

<form class="form">

<input type="text" class="form__name_disabled" disabled>


NOTE: Some places you will find elements and modifiers are separated using a single underscore (element--modifiers).

Rules <block-name__element-name_modifier-name>

1. Names are written in lowercase Latin letters.

2. Words are seperated by a hyphen (search-form).

3. The element name is seperated from the block name by a double underscore (header__title).

4. The element name is seperated from the modifier name by a single underscore (form__input_disabled).

A double hyphen inside a comment (--) may cause an error during validation of an HTML document. So it is mostly avoided.


BEM Methodology


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